Wyoming Women Increase Leadership Potential
March 3, 2009
Over 100 women from across Wyoming gathered at the state Capitol in Cheyenne last week to learn about serving in the state legislature, create new connections, and improve their own leadership strengths. The second annual Leap into Leadership event was hosted by the bipartisan Wyoming Women’s Legislative Caucus on Thursday and Friday, February 12 and 13 2009.
First Lady Nancy Freudenthal, speaking at the Historic Governor’s Mansion, challenged participants to run for elected office at all levels: municipal, county, state and federal. The First Lady also asked the dozen legislators present to speak about their experience deciding to run, campaigning, and now serving in statewide elected office. From freshman legislators serving their first term to the Speaker of the House, Republicans and Democrats spoke openly about the barriers they have overcome, the support systems that helped them do so, and the tremendous opportunities for women in leadership in the Equality State.
“Until enough women in Wyoming are willing to stand together, speak up and take some risks we won’t change much at all,” said former Wyoming Senator Rae Lynn Job of Rock Springs, who spoke at lunch on Friday on a panel with former Senator E. Jayne Mockler of Cheyenne and former Representative Jane Warren of Laramie.
Following their presentations, participants asked the panelists questions on topics ranging from barriers for women to serve in the Legislature to gender identity as a campaign issue. “If working women in Wyoming are paid less than men, can Wyoming women afford to run for the Legislature?” asked facilitator Liz Brimmer. The luncheon ended with a discussion about closing the gender wage gap in Wyoming, which has the largest wage gap in the nation.
“It was very inspiring to gather with a large group of politically engaged women from all backgrounds,” said one participant, who visited the Legislature in session for the first time at Leap into Leadership and is thinking about running for elected office someday.
This event was hosted in partnership with Equality State Policy Center, Wyoming Business Alliance, and Wyoming Women’s Foundation; with financial support from Paul and Tatiana Maxwell and Brimmer Communications.
The bipartisan Wyoming Women’s Legislative Caucus seeks to encourage more Wyoming women to run for office and increase the number of women in elected positions. The Wyoming Women’s Legislative Caucus is a project of The Equipoise Fund. For more information please visit http://www.wyowlc.org.
Contact: Melissa E. Turley, 307-734-3908, [email protected]