Kentucky Women’s Network Hosts “New Deal” Dinner – FDR Granddaughter, Anna Roosevelt to Headline Event
March 18, 2009
The Kentucky Women’s Network, a statewide organization of politically active women and its political action committee will hold its annual banquet and fundraising dinner on Friday, May 8, 2009 at the Galt House in Louisville, KY. Network members and a host of Democratic dignitaries will welcome keynote speaker, Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, granddaughter of Franklin D. Roosevelt, America’s 32nd President. Registration fees are $100 per ticket and must be purchased in advance.
“We are excited to bring this historic opportunity to our members and guests with the opportunity to interface with the granddaughter of one of the greatest leaders of our time,” said Virginia Woodward, Louisville resident and event organizer. “In many ways our current economic crisis mirrors the situation when Anna Roosevelt’s grandfather was President. Her perspective from a family and personal level will be particularly relevant.”
The Women’s Network is dedicated to achieving a society that is both free and fair, embracing the Four Freedoms set forth by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1941:
– Freedom of speech and expression
– Freedom to worship God in their own way
– Freedom from want
– Freedom from fear
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt is the daughter of James Roosevelt, the eldest son of Franklin and Anna Eleanor Roosevelt. Ms. Roosevelt’s Kentucky ties go back to her post-college days when she joined the faculty at Western Kentucky University where she taught museum studies and worked on staff of the Kentucky Museum for eight years.
Anna Roosevelt is currently the enterprisewide leader for Boeing’s global corporate citizenship activities. She has a long history of philanthropic, political and civic activities. Ms. Roosevelt currently chairs the advisory committee for the Center for New Deal Studies at Roosevelt University and co-chairs the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute in New York.
The Kentucky’s Women’s Network, a statewide organization, was launched five years ago to advance Democratic principles and increase citizen participation in the political process as voters, volunteers, and candidates. Currently the organization has over 900 members statewide with significant chapters in Lexington, Northern Kentucky, Louisville, Paducah and Frankfort.
For reservations and information, contact Christin Miller or Virginia Woodward at 502-541-5526 visit the Women’s Network website at The Galt House is located at 140 North Fourth Street, Louisville, Kentucky.