Getting Even
March 29, 2009
Why Women Don’t Get Paid Like Men – and What to do About It
If you are a woman, over your working lifetime you will lose between $700,000 and $2 million – simply because of your sex. The wage gap is a steady drain on the daily lives of women and our families. Rarely do we step back and add up what’s missing – better medical treatment, child care, housing, food or retirement savings that women could have afforded if they were paid as well as men.
To learn more read Getting Even. Former Lt. Governor of Massachusetts, Evelyn Murphy has authored the book Getting Even. She was the first woman in the state’s history to hold statewide office when she was first elected as Lt. Governor in 1987. She has been an executive vice president of Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mass and is a corporate director of SBLI USA Mutual Life Insurance Company. Evelyn is the founder and president of The WAGE (Women are Getting Even) Project, Inc., which is dedicated to closing the wage gap in every American workplace. To read more, visit: