Corporate Female Leader Stats Mirror Congress
February 15, 2009
Catalyst, the nonprofit organization working to improve inclusiveness and expand business opportunities released their report on women leaders in Fortune 500 companies. The statistics mirror the same low percentages of women in Congress.
Women in Congress – 17%
Women Fortune 500 Board Members – 15%
Percentage of women in the U.S. labor force: 46.3%
Percentage of women in management, professional and related occupations: 50.6%
Percentage of female Fortune 500 corporate officers: 15.4%
Percentage of female Fortune 500 board seats: 14.8%
Percentage of female Fortune 500 top earners: 6.7%
Percentage of female Fortune 500 CEOs: 2.4%
Number of female CEOs of Fortune 500 companies: 12
Number of female CEOs in Fortune 501-1000 companies: 10
Total female CEOS in Fortune 1000 companies: 22
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