Women’s Movement Historical Facts
January 29, 2009

by Kathy Groob
- Elizabeth Cady Stanton is best remembered as the founder of The Women’s Movement. She held the first conference in Seneca Falls, NY in 1848.
- In 1869 Wyoming and Utah allowed women the right to vote but that was quickly overturned by the Edmonds-Tucker Act of 1887.
- In 1920 Congress ratified the 19th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution giving women the right to vote. (My grandmother was a little girl then)
- In 1964 Congress passed the Civil Rights Act prohibiting sexual discrimination. (I was in the 3rd grade)
- The National Organization for Women (NOW) was formed in 1966.
- Congress passed the Equal Credit Opportunity Act 1974 (I graduated from high school)
- Congress enacted the Equal Pay Improvement Act in 2005. (not that long ago)
- Today (1.29.09) President Obama signed into law a fair pay equality act that gives women the right to sue their employers when they learn that their pay was less than a man doing a similar job. (we’re still fighting) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/01/29/AR2009012901887.html?hpid=topnews