Senate Passes Equal Pay Discrimination Bill
January 22, 2009
Today, January 22, 2008, the U.S. Senate passed an equal pay discrimination bill that signals a pro-worker rights, and pro-women’s rights shift in Congress. The legislation reverses a 2007 Supreme Court ruling that narrowly defines the time period during which a worker can file a claim of wage discrimination, even if the worker is unaware for months or years that he or she is getting less than colleagues doing the same job. Known as the Lilly Ledbetter bill, the anti-woman supreme court decision was based upon the real-life story of an Alabama retired auto worker who learned after leaving her job that she had been receiving only 75-80% of the salary that her male counterparts were earning. The House is expected to pass the bill and President Obama has vowed to sign the bill in possibly his first legislative action as President.
For more information, visit the Washington Post site article at:
posted by Kathy Groob