Build a Campaign Network With Facebook
January 21, 2009
Facebook Pitches Its Political Benefits
By J.P. FREIRETwo blocks from the Capitol, a 20-something man lectured a full room at the Hyatt Regency Hotel filled with what appeared to recent college graduates, ranging in dress from jeans to suits. The focus of discussion was how to get candidates into office using the Web. And while it may sound like a typical Washington strategy session, the lecturers weren’t the insiders you’d expect.
They were with Facebook.
Ezra Callahan, Facebook’s 20-something senior products manager and other staff members from the popular social networking site held morning and afternoon workshops to show campaign staff and consultants how to leverage Facebook as part of a campaign strategy. Fewer than 200, mostly younger, tech-savvy attendees took notes, but would likely have to find a way to explain their new knowledge patiently to their less technically inclined supervisors.
Among the suggestions are creating a profile for the candidate, as well as a “group page” dedicated to the campaign, which allows users of the site to join as a show of support. Once a member, users can receive messages and news updates from the campaign, participate in online discussions and share campaign videos with friends. Most notably, however, is that once a user joins, all his friends can see his affiliation.
“Our goal is to make you win,” offered Josh Rahn, Facebook’s director of sales, after explaining that of 45 million active users, 80 percent are of voting age. These users spend an average of 22 minutes on the site a day, more than enough time to hear the campaign’s pitch. Mr. Rahn cited a 2006 House race in Connecticut in which Democrat Joe Courtney won over Republican incumbent Rob Simmons by 83 votes. Considering the 720 percent increase in turnout among student voters at the University of Connecticut, Courtney’s reliance on Facebook didn’t hurt.
One audience member asked: Who’s the most savvy among current presidential contenders? Facebook staffers lauded Barack Obama’s application, which appears on the profile of any user who opts to use it. Whenever a friend of the user visits the user’s profile, that friend is treated to news and videos from the Obama campaign. Kudos also went to Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney.
The audience included the AFL-CIO, Emily’s List, a member of Senator Hillary Clinton’s campaign as well as insiders representing the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and Democratic offices such as Senators Harry Reid and Bob Casey. Very few Republicans were present, aside from a lone Ron Paul campaign staff member and members of the Young Republican National Federation.
Direct mail isn’t going away anytime soon as a vehicle for reaching voters. But it’s clear that web-savvy campaign managers would like to benefit from broadening the way voters support campaigns, especially with the advent of the social-network generation. After all, it takes far less effort to join a group on Facebook than it does to plant a campaign sign on a lawn.
The pitfalls are obvious, at least to one staff member from the D.C.C.C. The staff member related a story about how, while managing Jim Webb’s Facebook profile during his 2006 Senate run, he inadvertently joined a Facebook group that lewdly referenced binge-drinking, drug-abuse, and promiscuity in its title. While the staff member quickly left the group, Mr. Webb’s Facebook supporters still received a notice that he had joined it, and subsequently left the group.
In another instance, the person managing Hillary Clinton’s Facebook profile inadvertently accepted a relationship request from a supporter, leaving other supporters slightly confused, if not slightly jealous.